The academic expertise needed for this project lay in the area of Biomechanics. It involved the understanding of how human biology and mechanical devices can be developed to work in harmony so that the experience is comfortable, flexible and efficient without producing any adverse strain type side effects.
Interface put Alison in touch with a range of relevant academics from Scotland’s universities who were keen to investigate the ergonomic benefits of G-hold in reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries for heavy users of electronic devices.
Through support from Interface, Alison was successfully matched and chose to collaborate with Dr. Ukadike Chris Ugbolue from the University of the West of Scotland, within the Institute for Clinical Exercise & Health Science to carry out a technical feasibility study on G-Hold, evaluating its performance and examining the effect on the arm, wrist and hand of users.
University of the West of Scotland has expertise available from the Institute of Clinical Exercise and Health Science (ICEHS). The Institute comprises the Centre for Clinical Exercise & Rehabilitative Science and the Sports Academy and is involved in research areas related to exercise science.

With strong interests in ergonomics and bioinstrumentation, Dr. Ugbolue was a perfect match for this project.
The resulting data was so powerful that it was translated into the above image for prospective customers to understand more easily. This graphic was used in the marketing materials and during the ErgoExpo in Las Vegas, catching the eye of both Apple and Microsoft.
G-Hold would never have been able to afford the type of equipment needed to analyse these muscle groups without the support of Interface introducing us to the University of the West of Scotland. The results were crucial in proving our ergonomic benefits to customers, particularly in the US where large organisations are especially careful to protect their employees from risk of ergonomic or muscular skeletal complaints.
Thank you to Interface, Dr. U Chris Ugbolue and the University of West of Scotland!