G-Hold tablet holder named a Smart Gadget for Creatives by Coffeedential

G-Hold tablet holder named a Smart Gadget for Creatives by Coffeedential

G-Hold® | Ergonomic Tablet Holders | Phone Holders

Coffeedential, an Italian fashion and tech blog, has included G-Hold in its list of must-have smart gadgets for creatives. Alongside G-Hold, which, of course, is perfect for giving digital artists a firm, comfy grip on their device, Coffeedential has also recommended the Nomad Brush, a flexible, intuitive brush for painting and drawing on tablets, the Equil SmartPen that instantly transfers drawings on paper into digital form, and the very cool Oblige DIY sleeve, which can be customised with your own drawings and designs. 

Read the full article here and find out what gadgets Coffeedential chose in their Freetime and Office categories.